Common FAQs About Registration 

Common FAQs About Registration


The registration process for an NFL FLAG league can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are answers to the most common questions we receive to help you get started. 

Collect essential information including the participant's name, date of birth, contact information, emergency contact details, and any medical conditions or special requirements. Additionally, gather information about the parent or guardian for minors. You also need to make sure participants sign mandatory waivers, like a code of conduct, terms and conditions, etc. 

NFL FLAG leagues cater to children aged 5 to 17, divided into age groups, such as 9u, 11u, 13u, and 17u. Ensure participants fall within the specified age range for the division they are registering for.

Determine registration fees based on your league’s expenses, including field rentals, equipment, uniforms, insurance, and administrative costs. Research fees of similar local leagues to remain competitive while covering your costs. If you would like advice on your registration fees, don’t hesitate to contact our League Success team. 

Offer multiple payment options to make the process convenient for participants. Common methods include credit/debit cards, PayPal, and checks. Ensure your online platform supports secure payment processing.

Set the registration deadline at least a month before the season starts to allow ample time for organizing teams, schedules, and logistics. Communicate this deadline clearly to avoid confusion.

Establish a clear policy for late registrations, which may include a waitlist or additional fees. Accommodate late participants if space allows, but ensure it doesn’t disrupt the existing team structures and schedules.

Participants should sign waivers that cover liability, medical emergencies, and a code of conduct. Make sure these forms are easily accessible during the registration process and that they are signed by a parent or guardian if the participant is a minor.

Provide a detailed overview of league rules, guidelines, and expectations on your registration platform. Include a confirmation step where participants (or their guardians) acknowledge they have read and agree to these terms.

Yes, allowing buddy requests can enhance the player experience. However, clarify that while you’ll try to accommodate these requests, they are not guaranteed. Balancing teams based on skill levels and ages should always be your priority.

We encourage our league operators to use the NFL FLAG Matrix online system, which can integrate into your registration platform and is an excellent tool for managing registration data and tracking participant information. It also comes with tools to manage your league, such as team builder.

Have a clear refund policy in place and communicate it during registration. Typically, full refunds are offered before a certain date, with partial refunds available closer to the season start. Ensure the policy covers exceptional circumstances as well.

Yes, offering discounts or scholarships can make your league accessible to more families. Secure sponsorships or allocate a portion of your budget to provide financial aid. Make sure to communicate the availability and application process for these options.

If you have other questions not answered here, feel free to reach out to our League Success team for guidance: